December 8, 2011Having a rethink… Which room should we use as a playroom? My favourite room is dismantled…
The Mad House says December 8, 2011 at 5:38 pm Play round downstairs, you do not want other peoples children upstairs if they come to play! Reply
Heather says December 8, 2011 at 8:14 pm Oh yes, I hadn’t even thought of that! It will work much better this way, I just feel daft we didn’t think of it in the first place… Reply
Claire says December 9, 2011 at 9:49 pm Yes! Def’ playroom downstairs. Watch it when you move your Ikea thing, we moved ours and it was never the same afterwards…. all a bit wobbly, but was okay. Just not the same. Reply
Heather says December 16, 2011 at 8:45 pm It seems to have survived the move upstairs, and we’ve fixed it to the wall which should stop any wobbles! Reply
Play round downstairs, you do not want other peoples children upstairs if they come to play!
Oh yes, I hadn’t even thought of that! It will work much better this way, I just feel daft we didn’t think of it in the first place…
Yes! Def’ playroom downstairs.
Watch it when you move your Ikea thing, we moved ours and it was never the same afterwards…. all a bit wobbly, but was okay. Just not the same.
It seems to have survived the move upstairs, and we’ve fixed it to the wall which should stop any wobbles!