This is a brilliant Christmas craft for toddlers that don’t like to be given instructions! Crafting with Ez and Fonz can be very frustrating because they hate to be told what to do. But the other day, when Ez popped a loo roll on the table, stuck her wand inside with the star sticking out, and declared she’d made a Christmas tree, I jumped at the chance to take her idea a bit further. While the twins carried on playing, I covered a few loo rolls with green paper, dug out some leftover leaf shapes I’d cut out for another activity months back and put out the glitter and glue.
I let them loose with the leaves, glitter and some glue while I cut out some oversized star shapes, which they then added glitter to, too. The time all this took was about perfect for them, and as they lost interest and wandered off to play with something else, I simply cut a slot on each side of the top of the toilet roll, and slotted in the star. The base was two triangles of card slotted together, and then slotted into four corresponding slots in the loo roll.
And there we have it. Our first Christmas craft of 2012. And not only was it pretty stress-free, it was actually enjoyable and the twins are ridiculously proud of their creations. Of course, a week later the house is still covered in glitter, but I figure it’s Christmas so why fight a losing battle?!
I have been saving toilet paper rolls with the intention of making something – I used to make Santa’s with them – but may try the trees too!
I am suitably impressed.
“Christmas Craft Toddler-friendly toilet roll Christmas trees