My yarn-buying mishap has left me with a redundant stock of acrylic yarn in colours that were chosen to match the living room rug. As I have an eternal love of bobble trim, I’ve been wanting to make my own pom poms for ages and that’s what fuelled my recent impulse purchase of a pom pom maker.
So, with some free time on my hands yesterday I got out the pom pom maker and my acrylic yarn and got to work. I simply followed the straightforward instructions on the pom pom maker (you wind the yarn around the arches, close them up, cut down the centre, tie with a small length of yarn (the instructions said to use cotton thread but I couldn’t manage to tie them tight enough and yarn worked much better), release from the maker and trim any longer pieces.
I made seven in different colours and then threaded them into a piece of off white yarn using a large needle. I tied a knot over each one to secure it in place. I’ve shown the finished garland here hung over our screen but its final home is actually over the window in the living area. I’m going to make a matching one for the other window in the open plan space and I think they add some extra colour and fun to the room. I’m already thinking of new pom pom projects to try!
Are you living in my head? I have been thinking about similar. I made a felt ball garland at christmas and fell in love with them. May have to do pompoms instead!
Ooh a felt ball garland. Now there’s an idea…
Yet another project I want to try. Can I just live my creative life vicariously through yours until I have some time to try and make cool stuff like this? Beautiful – bet they look great with the gorgeous rug. x
You made loads over Christmas – your house was craft central!
Still love that screen…
Great colours, I’m looking forward to this ‘using up the thing I bought by mistake’ series.
No pressure *racks brains for what to make next*
Love the screen and how effective the Pom poms are
The screen was a brilliant purchase years back – it’s really versatile and worked in our old house and here.
I’m also still coveting that screen…So simple, yet so effective, love it!
Thanks Julie – the screen was from Lombok
These are so pretty, I may have to purchase a pom pom maker too!
It’s brilliant. I mean I know using cardboard is pretty easy too but I’m still glad I bought the maker.
A pompom maker? Seriously? You mean you don’t use old Christmas cards cut into circles? Brownies taught me something, at least. I would never have considered a pompom maker even existed.
You know what? That was exactly what my husband said (well apart from the brownies bit)! I guess I’m nothing but gullible for a little gadget.
I am a BIG fan of the pom pom maker and am loving this garland. While cardboard circles do, undoubtedly, do the job if you are in a pom pom frenzy with a project in mind the pom pom maker is fabulous. I made a video last year of my then 5 year old making pom poms with it very happily – bringing pom poms into the 21st century, HOORAH!
I could make pompoms all day long! Can’t wait until the twins can get involved too…
Where can I buy a pom pom maker gadget
I got mine from Amazon but I think you could pick one up in any craft store