I’ve been wanting to join in with Michelle and Emma’s #1day12pics photo day for about three months, but something has always got in the way.
This month, the date fell right at the start of our Europe road trip and I was determined to take part. Luckily a tweet from Emma that morning reminded me or I’d have completely forgotten about it. It was a bit of a challenge remembering to take a shot every hour but at least I was in glorious sunshine with time on my hands. I like the idea of a theme, like Michelle has tried, so I might give that a go in July, and I think next time I’ll also try a square crop for each of my shots.

10.00 Fresh coffee on our first morning on the most gorgeous campsite in Frutigen | 11.00 Exploring the town | 12.00 Rehydrating as it’s a scorching day | 13.00 At a lido at Adelboden up in the mountains
14.00 Marvelling at the view from the lido | 15.00 Watching the twins play in the children’s pool | 16.00 Leaving the lido to head back to our tent |17.00 Watermelon snack whilst we sort out dinner
18.00 Family dinner – fajitas and rice | 19.00 Drinking gin, enjoying the golden hour, waiting for the twins to fall asleep | 20.00 Exploring the campsite (this is one of the chalets) 21.00 Trying to crochet in the dark >
So great to see your photos online, we missed you on the day. Glad you were able to do it and we admire your dedication in the wilds. Your trip looks blissful, hope it’s still going well.