Charting the weeks through our walks to school
There’s been a change in our morning school run. We have one child on a bike, one on a scooter, and now – instead of me jogging along to keep up – I have my own scooter! I scoot with the kids to school and leave my scooter there, as I can’t quite get over the self-consciousness of scooting without the kids in tow. And those walks home offer a little window of quietness, where I can appreciate the slower pace and catch my breath after the inevitable chaos and frantic activity that marks the start of our day.
I listened to episodes of the podcast Serial for a second time, in order to try to fill the gap left by the week’s break for Thanksgiving. I’m completely hooked on this story, and there’s so much information in every episode that listening back is a good way to pick up on things I may have missed first time around.
I looked at how beautiful everything was on the clear and frosty morning early in the week, pushing through the bushes that line the footpath to be rewarded with a stunning view (picture above).
I pondered how easy it is to take life, and the people in it, for granted, and how much family really means to me. Loss is painful; it makes you stop and question what’s really important, and reminds you to make the most of what (and who) you have.
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