Saturday showed me how a day surrounded by the most incredible people and the buzz they create when together in one space can carry you through. I was so excited about this year’s Blogtacular (who wouldn’t be given the chance to chat to so many inspiring people all in one day?) but after one of the most awful night’s sleep in a very long time on Friday I was left fearing I wouldn’t last or enjoy the day.
How very wrong I was. Who needs sleep when you can take a ride on the energy created by 300 brilliantly-creative bloggers all gathered together? And I honestly believe that there is no better place to give your self-confidence and belief a much-needed boost. I am queen of selling myself short. Too often (all the time) I compare myself unfavourably to others, feeling left behind, or somehow lacking – but when you put all those ‘others’ in a room, suddenly the competition falls away and the sense of community, support and inspiration takes over. Those people whose perfectly-curated Instagram feeds, stunning blog photography or endless creativity felt intimidating before, become real people full of warmth, quirks and smiles. It’s like bracing yourself to dive into a freezing cold pool, only to feel your muscles relax when you discover it’s actually wonderfully warm. Maybe it was the fog of tiredness but all my fear dropped away, and I found myself talking to anyone and everyone – from brand-spanking-new bloggers to those blogging superstars that you’ve followed and admired for years.
Most of all, I want to say thank you to the people who took time to seek me out and give me words of encouragement and praise. I cannot tell you how precious those words were to me. I went home with them glowing in my heart – a smile on my face and happy tears pricking at my eyes (that bit was almost definitely the sleep deprivation). I’ve wrapped those words up carefully, tied a beautiful bow around them and locked them away safe in my mind.
Above all the inspirational speakers, the flood of post-conference ideas, the laughs had and friendships made, those words were what really made Blogtacular for me this year. Their magic will help to carry me through to next year, when I hope I can share my own words of encouragement to lift someone else in the way that these have lifted me.
Motivational banner by planes workshop
Amazing lady, you rock! always remember that! Completely lost you for the day, I can’t believe it’s only been a year, but knowing you has been awesome xoxo
Thanks lovely. I can’t believe how fast the year has flown by either. Makes me a bit emotional thinking about it!
Glad to hear what you made of it Heather. I didn’t go as I only just found out about it when it was to last to make plans, but you’ve definitely inspired me to go along next year!
I can’t recommend it enough Hannah! You can buy tickets to the virtual conference, or if there’s only one thing you do then make it watching Grace Bonney’s keynote (it’s available free) – – it will definitely inspire you x
It was eye opening for me as I hadn’t been before. So many talented and incredibly friendly people. Now to plan 🙂
Yes, I think that’s the biggest challenge. Getting back to normal life and trying to carry on the momentum from the conference x
Can relate to so much of this, I loved the vibe that was there so much, being around others who just ‘get this’ whole blogging thing, the community and friendliness. Its hard not to compare but i think we need to just remember we are just as entitled to go to places like that just like any other 🙂 x
The friendliness was awesome, wasn’t it?
A perfect roundup! Such a pleasure to have been able to spend so much time getting to know you H…and this blog is awesome!!! High five…& a big hug, J x
Was so great to meet you Jess – hope to cross paths with you again soon!
Lovely round up that totally summarises the day! Let’s get together again soon xx
I sell myself short in comparison also. I think when you get into a room with everyone you begin to realise that we all have self doubt itching at us, or a need to compare our numbers/blog design/social media stats/whatever else we use to compare. I loved the theme of creating a community and building each other without trampling on others to do so.
I totally agree – meeting the real people behind all those incredible blogs, it was so refreshing to know that we all struggle with the same fears and doubts. It’s great to connect with a community rather than floundering on our own.
What a beautiful post, Heather!
I can relate to the mental fog, and I fear that I may not have done my best on that day to connect with other attendees, but I had a lovely time anyway! And it was wonderful to hang out with so many colorfully-dressed, creative ladies during the photowalk. Thank you for being my umbrella-twirling cohort 😉
Though the fog is only now starting to lift (pushed over the edge by more sleepless nights my Celiac flaring up) I cannot believe how much I still feel immersed in inspiration just by reliving the day reading everyone’s lovely posts and what everyone’s take was on the event and the various panels and workshops. Can’t wait for next year!
Thanks Elisa! I so enjoyed twirling those umbrellas and your wonderful sense of fun on the photowalk. x
I hav read a few of the posts on the event now, not having attended myself, and I have noticed how many bloggers feel inadequate until they attended and are now inspired so it must have been a wonderful event.
Yes, it definitely seems to be a strong theme amongst all the attendees. I really recommend watching Grace Bonney’s keynote talk – she was very inspiring
“Too often (all the time) I compare myself unfavourably to others, feeling left behind, or somehow lacking” – this happens to lots of us, I think! Especially with all the “perfect” pictures & posts we work so hard to create, it can be easy to forget how much hard work, struggle, failure and mess lies behind the shiny content we see in other peoples feeds / on everyone’s blogs. Events like Blogtacular are so important to help us connect IRL & remember how we’re all in the same boat 🙂
Yes, the sense of togetherness was really powerful I think. I’m actually tempted to take some of the ‘gloss’ off my content and make it just that bit more real. I think it’s a better reflection of me and my creative process and I don’t want to feel like I’m presenting an unrealistic/false image of my life and my home here on this blog.
so hard isn’t it, staring into the internet and thinking everyone else has got it so right…
Blogtacular is a lovely space, it is the connecting with other people. I need to do more of it, the self doubt holds me back. Would love to organise some meet ups.
This is a lovely post, good to see you and always good to spend time in this space.