1. Project via Go Forth
I almost got rid of a load of plain white pillowcases in my recent decluttering drive, but instead I bought myself some black fabric paint, with a printing project in the back of mind. Then the pillowcases and the paint got put aside and have been cluttering up my craft cupboard ever since. In the hope of kick-starting my crafting mojo again, here are a few DIY pillowcase crafts that inspire me. Now where did I put that paint again…
2. Project via Sinnen Rausch
3. Project via Wimke
4. Project via Butik Sofie
5. Project via hello lidy
Project via Heidi x Coco
1. Striking geometric design that is simple yet really effective.
2. Made by dripping ink onto the fabric – I wonder if fabric dye would work in the same way? I’m a messy worker so this is right up my street!
3. Very simple cross design made with an eraser – the symmetry and repetition really appeals.
4. A great way to celebrate the beauty of autumn leaves – paint on the ink/dye and press onto the fabric.
5. The sponge stamp leaves a wonderful pattern on the fabric, giving a different look to classic triangles
6. A kid-friendly potato printing craft – I think the twins would love this.
Love this idea so simple and you can make something truly unique! Right where are the old potatoes…