One of my absolute favourite things about blogging is the inspiration I get from other bloggers or Instagrammers. And that’s why I’m super-excited to announce a new collaborate project with Anthea from ZingZingTree and Emma from Kids Craft Room to help everyone share their brilliant creative content. #CreateMakeShare will be co-hosted on all of our blogs and will provide a place for you to share links to anything you’ve created over the last month. If you created and made it, you can share it.
How to join in
To share your posts, all you have to do is visit Growing Spaces, ZingZingTree or Kids Craft Room and add your link to the form below. You can link to your blog post if you have one or an Instagram URL if you don’t have a blog. If you’re sharing on Instagram, just add the hashtag #CreateMakeShare.
Whether you’ve blogged about a great sewing project, shared a delicious recipe, got crafty one afternoon or finished a fantastic DIY or makeover in your home, #CreateMakeShare is all about providing a platform for you to share anything creative you’ve been working on, and give you the chance to see what other creative folk have been up to. Add more than one link if you fancy – it just means more great stuff for us to explore. Do click and explore the links other people have shared – getting idea and inspiration from others is what it’s all about, and if you see something you love, leave them a comment. Let’s encourage and support each other.
If you fancy you can link back to us by either using the badge or a text back link (if linking a blog post) and use the hashtag #CreateMakeShare on Instagram so we can all see your lovely shots. You can connect with us here on IG: Anthea, Emma, Heather
Get featured
There will be a theme each month. You don’t have to follow it, but Anthea, Emma and I will pick our favourite posts that have used the theme, so it’s worth checking what that month’s theme is. We’ll share our favourites on our blogs, across our social media, and also add them to our Create Make Share Pinterest board.
Loved your blogue, great pics and inspiration