Ribbit ribbit! The frog tribe are jumping into our week of Just So Festival tribal tournament face paint and costume ideas today. This energetic tribe is always easy to spot at the festival, with some truly awesome costumes. Using a…
Owl face paint: Just So Festival 2017
Continuing our week of costume and face paint ideas for the Tribal Tournament at Just So 2017, today it’s the turn of the owl tribe. We were owls in our first year at Just So, way back in 2013, and…
DIY fish face paint and the Just So Festival 2016
It’s about this time of year that we make our tribal announcement for our pilgrimage to the Just So Festival (read all about the Tribal Tournament that includes owls, foxes, stags, lions, fish and frogs), and I’m giving you a…
Just So Festival 2014: Our tribe reveal
Each year, the wonderful Just So Festival finishes with the Tribal Tournament, where the winning tribe (owls, foxes, stags, fish, frogs or lions) is announced amidst a final fantastic knees up. At last year’s festival we were all part of…