Last month, the Tots100 Home Club Challenge focused on storage. It gave me the kick up the bum I needed to sort out our hallway clutter, and I’m pleased to say the new storage systems mean that our hallway has remained largely clutter-free since.
This month, we’ve been challenged to look at our bedrooms. If your bedroom’s a dumping ground, full of piles of washing (yours and everybody else’s) – just a place to collapse at the end of a long day in order to get not enough sleep before the kids wake you up the next morning, then this challenge is for you. Because it’s about finding a way to turn your bedroom into a sanctuary where you can relax and where you actually want to spend time.
I vlogged a tour of my bedroom when I started this blog, and although there’s lots that I want to do with the room, I’m not ready for a full-on room makeover at the moment. Instead I thought I’d focus on a problem area in the room – my dressing table. This should be a space all for me. My makeup and toiletries should be organised and easy to access, so that I can get ready for the day in the short space of time I have. But as you can see from this picture, instead it acts as a surface where mess stacks up. Clothes get piled up on the chair so that I couldn’t take a seat even if I wanted to, and the top is covered in junk. The console table that I’ve been using is from our old house, and its style doesn’t suit our new home plus the whole area takes up too much space and makes the rest of the room feel smaller than it is.
In its place, I want to create a compact dressing table, which makes me smile when I look at it, and where I can enjoy five minutes thinking about myself instead of looking after the rest of the family. I don’t have much free time at the moment, so I’m going to keep the ideas simple, and hopefully transform the space in less than an hour.
When I’ll find that free hour, I’m not sure, but as soon as I do, I promise to share the results.
As ever, I’ll look forward to seeing the outcome! x
Not sure it matches up to your bedroom project!
Very interesting post, just the fact of a real bedroom and the mess found I there…
Oh there’s always mess 😉