When Cable & Cotton challenged me to blog about their ‘Glow’ lights as festively as possible, playing on the word ‘glow’, there was no way I could turn them down. It’s no secret how much I love fairy lights, and at Christmas I jump at the chance to fill the house with as many twinkling lights as possible. My favourites are warmer white lights, so the colours of the ‘Glow’ lights (pale grey, oatmeal and ivory) work perfectly with all the other lights that are strung around our house and garden.
One of our Christmas traditions (dating back to pre-children) is to have our Christmas Eve dinner by candlelight. With younger children lots of flickering candles can be a bit of a health and safety challenge, which is where the ‘Glow’ lights step in. I laid the string of lights down the centre of the table where they give the feel of candlelight without the flames. It was so convincing that at one point, one of the paper trees fell over and my husband grabbed at it in panic about it falling onto a lit candle before realising that there were no candles!
Disclosure: Cable & Cotton sent me a voucher to buy their ‘Glow’ lights to take part in this festive challenge
That is such a great idea! I’d never think to use the lights like that. Much safer than candles too!