I’ve got that thing. That thing when all the Christmas decorations have come down, and I’m marvelling at how spacious the house feels. Or actually, because I’m me and have a thing about moving furniture, I’m wondering how I could rework the space to make it work even harder. What furniture could be moved, would switching the function of rooms around help, would a new cupboard be useful?
When you’ve got young children, the house is in a constant state of flux – their needs change, and you scrabble to keep up with the best ways to use the space. And as their needs change and they get more independent, my needs change, too. As they get older I’ve found I have (albeit only a bit) more time for crafting, and my growing craft stash needs to be stored somewhere.
And so I’ll sit here plotting, moving things round in my head, thinking up new solutions. And ultimately wishing we had more space to play with. Although part of me suspects that I’d never be completely content, even if our home was enormous, because changing things up is just what I do.
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