Ez started ballet classes this term (her Christmas present) and has loved every single second. I worried about how she’d react to going to a class where I’m not in the room with her, but on the first day she ran in without a second glance back. Every week without fail when she comes out of her lesson she’s buzzing with excitement, beaming from ear to ear. I had only seen tiny bits of the class, glimpsed when peeping through the curtain on the classroom door, so I couldn’t wait to sit in for the mini performance on the final session of the term.
As I’m still immersed in Capturing Childhood’s fantastic Shooting Stories movie-making eCourse (and still loving it), I decided to take my camera along, although I wasn’t expecting to be allowed to take pictures. Amazingly, nothing at all was said about photography and so I let the camera roll, and have edited huge amounts of footage down to this video. Ez’s enjoyment is so clearly evident, and I could watch her performance over and over.
she is so beautiful. she makes a fine ballarina x
Thankyou Nicola.