This month, Igor and Judith asked all the Urban Jungle Bloggers out there to show off the plants that live in our kitchens. My kitchen window sill is like my little plant nursery – it’s where my babies or poorly plants live – it’s a spot that gets plenty of light, and it’s right behind the sink so when I’m washing up everyday it means I cast my eye over these little friends to check how they’re doing.
Unfortunately my window sill isn’t that photogenic, so I moved a selection of these babies onto my kitchen table to take some shots. As well as a few that I’ve propogated myself, there are two new additions that I was excited to receive as Christmas gifts – my beloved string of hearts and string of pearls plants. The string of hearts seems very content, but my string of pearls is definitely not a happy camper. I think it got too much of a drenching initially, and quickly looked in a bad way. I’m left with one single trailing stem that I’m desperately trying to keep alive. As the string of pearls is supposed to be a plant that’s easy to care for, I’m feeling like a bit of a failure! If anyone’s got any emergency care tips – please do let me know.
Urban Jungle Bloggers is a monthly series by Igor (Happy Interior Blog) and Judith (JOELIX), sharing styling ideas and lots of green tips to help you create an urban jungle. You can find more inspiration on their Urban Jungle Bloggers Pinterest board, website and Facebook page, or search using the #urbanjunglebloggers hashtag on Twitter and Instagram.
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